28th Australian Kendo Championships

Sydney, New South Wales, 19 & 20 April 2003.

The 28th Australian Kendo Championships, the preceding Seminar and Grading Exam were supported by a delegation of highly skilled and famous kendo sensei representing the International Kendo Federation (IKF):

Mr. Saiji IIZUKA, 8 Dan Hanshi, 62.
IIZUKA Sensei is a Director of the All Japan Kendo Federation, a Company Director and Vice president of the Shizuoka Prefecture Kendo Renmei. He has performed well in Inter-corporate Kendo Competitions for 20 years, and was placed 3rd in the All Japan Inter-corporate Championships. IIZUKA Sensei previously visited Australia in 2000, when he instructed at the Kendo Seminar that preceded the 26th Australian Kendo Championships.

Mr. Ken'ichi ISHIDA, 8 Dan Kyoshi, 54.
ISHIDA Sensei is a Kendo instructor at the Osaka Police Academy, he was the All Japan Individual Kendo Championship in 1982 and has won the All Japan Police Kendo Championships six times. ISHIDA Sensei was featured in a National Geograhic television documentary on the challenge to achieve kendo 8 Dan, "The 120 second test of kendo".

Mr. Satoru KANAKI, 8 Dan Kyoshi, 52.
KANAKI Sensei is a Professor at Tokai University, he also is a liaison officer of the Dan Grading and Shogo Committee of the AJKF. He has competed on many occasions in the All Japan Teachers Championships and Inter-Prefecture Kendo Tournaments.

Mr. Hideaki TAKAHASHI, 7 Dan Kyoshi, 38.
TAKAHASHI Sensei has won the All Japan Kendo Individual Championship and is a two times runner-up, he was also a member of the winning mens team in the World Kendo Championships on two occasions. TAKAHASHI Sensei also visited New Zealand in 2003 to assist with the New Zealand National Team selection for the 12th World Kendo Championships.


Photographs on this page are Copyright © 2003 Australian Kendo Renmei Incorporated may only be used by members.

Click on the photo for a larger copy.

L to R: IKF Sensei Takahashi, Kanaki, Ishida and Izuuka, AKR sensei Sumitaka Nagae, 7 Dan Kyoshi and Yoichi Yano, 6 Dan.

Welcome speech by AKR President Ron Bennett.
L to R: Sensei Shigeoka, Takahashi, Kanaki, Ishida and Izuuka, Yano.

Competitors, sensei and volunteer group photo at the conclusion of the Championships.

New Caledonian Seminar and Grading attendees.


Ishida sensei supervising ashi sabaki.

Ishida sensei supervising ashi sabaki.

Izuuka sensei instructing.

Izuuka sensei instructing.

Ishida senseis instruction translated by AKR Kendo Board Member, Yuji Sano, Uni of NSW Kendo Club, NSW.


Kihon practice. AKR Vice-President Catherine Hallgath, Sydney Kendo Club, NSW in the foreground, with Jeff Lynn-White, WA, behind.


Shigeoka sensei, KenShinKai, Qld., demonstrating a technique.

Kendo no kata pratcice.

Shigeoka sensei, KenShinKai, Qld., emphasisng a point.


Kendo no kata pratcice.

Kihon practice.

Ishida sensei answering a query form Arpad Maksay, Fudoshin Kendo, Vic., as Tony Pickering, Ballarat Kendo Club, Vic looks on.


Readying for keiko.
L to R: Sensei Ishida, Izuuka, Kanaki, Nagae and Takahashi.

Readying for keiko.
L to R: Liz Dutton and Sue Lytollis both from Hutt Kendo, New Zealand.

Grading examination panel.
L to R: Sensei Nagae, Kanaki, Izuuka, Ishida, Takahashi and Shigeoka.

More pics to come.

After the Grading examination.
Succesful candidates Yakov Macak, kendo 6 Dan, Uni of Melbourne Kendo Club and Sue Lytollis, kendo 5 Dan, from
Hutt Kendo, New Zealand.

Presentation to Rex Lawley of a Special Commendation from the All Japan Kendo Federation, by Izuuka sensei (L).

Rex Lawley with the Special Commendation.
Back L to R: Senseis Ishida , Kanaki and Takahashi.
Front L to R: Senseis Izuuka, AKR President Ron Bennett, Rex Lawley, Nagae.


Rex Lawley and AKR President Ron Bennett.

Senseis Izuuka (L) and Ishida demonstrating kendo no kata.

Two former All Japan Kendo Champions contemplating prior to a demonstration shiai.
Senseis Ishida (L) andTakahashi.


Preparing mentally..
Senseis Ishida (L) andTakahashi.

Two former All Japan Kendo Champions about to commence demonstration shiai.
Sensei Takahashi (L) facing Sensei Ishida with Izuuka sensei as shinpan.

Kate Sylvester, Fudoshin Kendo, Vic., with Sensei Ishida.

Umesh Aluthjage-Perera, Monash Uni Kendo, Vic., with Sensei Takahashi.

Nick Bartlett, SA, with Sensei Ishida.

AKR Secretary, Richard Ward, Fudoshin Kendo, Vic., with Sensei Ishida.

AKR Kendo Board Member, Bryan Brestovac, WA, with Sensei Ishida.

AKR VIce-President, Catherine Hallgath, Sydney Kendo Club, NSW, with Sensei Takahashi.

AKR Secretary, Richard Ward, Fudoshin Kendo, Vic., with Sensei Takahashi.

Kate Sylvester (Vic) and Melanie Smith (NSW), Fudoshin Kendo, receiving a translation of Ishida senseis advice from Chiharu Fukomoto, Uni of WA, WA.


Many thanks to Richard Ward for the above photographs.
Copyright © 2003 Australian Kendo Renmei Incorporated.

Copyright © 2000 / 2001 / 2002 / 2003 Australian Kendo Renmei Incorporated.